Author Archives: administrator

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Jennifer Lichtman on the Changing World of Patient Services

Jennifer Lichtman has built a towering career in the service of one passionate goal: helping patients access and adhere to specialty medications. After more than two decades working on the services side of pharma, including an 18-year run at Covance, … Read More

The Quick Skinny on 2021’s HUB, SPP & eServices Optimization Event

If you missed Hub SPP’s buzzy gathering, or if you just want a fresh refresh, this one’s for you. Whether you’re a manufacturer, specialty pharmacy, or hub provider, there was something for everyone at this year’s Hub SPP. We scoured the … Read More

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The Digital Guide to Patient Connectivity at Hub, SPP, & eServices Optimization 2021

Give us 30 minutes and we’ll help you bridge the digital divide with your patients. In this episode of The Specialty Patient Podcast, HelpAround CEO Yishai Knobel covers the do’s and dont’s of digital patient connectivity (think email, SMS, and … Read More

The Age of the Desktop is Over

Pop quiz: How do you think most of your company’s patients are accessing your patient services? You’ve been told by “the experts” that once a patient has a prescription in hand, they go home and access your patient services in … Read More

HelpAround’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

We continue to invest in keeping our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy compliant, complete, and, if we can be so bold, a bit humorous. We are sharing them here for other folks to borrow or steal, so enjoy! Privacy … Read More

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Further Utilization of Mobile PAPs at Patient Assistance & Access 2021

For more information, including a breakdown and analysis of the polling questions discussed during the panel, download the report here.

Mobile Messaging Cheat Sheet

Who This is For Mobile Program Designers for Patient Services, Hub Vendors, Copay Vendors, Specialty Pharmacies and anyone else trying to reach patients through mobile messaging. How It Can Help Start your legal review process with messages that have already … Read More

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New Product Launch Planning Roundtable at Formulary & Access Summit

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Mobile Patient Panel at Patient Support Services Congress

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Jourdan Russo on the Evolution of Patient Support

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