Author Archives: administrator

Even Tech Leaders Need a Survival Manual for Integration

Calling all tech leaders – especially those who work in specialty pharma: Amidst a polarized world of dissension and strife, there’s one belief that unites us all… Tech integrations are a nightmare. Can I hear a “hallelujah!?” You can skip … Read More

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Key Takeaways from the Mobile Patient Panel at PSS Congress

How can we increase the utilization of pharma patient services? How can mobile patient engagement drive results? How can the three modalities of mobile – SMS, mobile web, and apps – be configured to address patient connectivity issues in every … Read More

New Faces at HelpAround

HelpAround is experiencing incredible growth as the specialty pharmaceutical industry adopts mobile connectivity. As a result, HelpAround has added two Industry veterans, Dr. Raeanna Lewarne (VP of Product) and Paul Ciccero (VP of Growth). Learn more about the two newest members of the leadership team. … Read More

Hello? Can Someone Help Me Please

Patient services have a meaningful impact on the lives of patients, but it goes without saying that these services are only useful if they are used. A new Accenture report reveals that over the past five years, little has changed to improve patient … Read More

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Michael Beam on Pharma Innovation in the Age of COVID-19

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Christine von Raesfeld on the Challenges and Opportunities Facing Specialty Patients

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Phillip McCreary on Patient Assistance at Vanderbilt Medical Center

Top 4 Takeaways from our Bil Daniel’s Interview

HelpAround’s CEO, Yishai Knobel recently sat down with Bil Daniels, Leo Pharma’s Director of Patient Support and Reimbursement for the HelpAround’s Specialty Patient Podcast. With over a decade managing pharmaceutical reimbursement and access programs across half a dozen companies, Bil … Read More

Apps are Ruining the Patient Experience

To app or not to app, that is the question. The pace of app development accelerates each year, spinning with unstoppable momentum. These days, everyone from your local gas station to the taco joint on the corner has an app. … Read More

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Bil Daniels on Technology and Patient Services

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