Author Archives: administrator

Our Partnership with EnvoyHealth in Rare Diseases

The rollercoaster that almost 10% of Americans ride when diagnosed and treated for a rare disease is a tough one. After a long journey to diagnosis and finally a treatment decision, they can then face another set of challenges in … Read More

How Mobile Copay Cards Help Activate and Retain Specialty Patients

Copay cards are a direct way for manufacturers to reduce out-of-pocket costs, supporting patients’ ability to choose their treatments instead of being pushed towards generics by their insurance. Yet the opportunity copay cards offers goes far beyond just an out-of-pocket … Read More

Apple’s Gift for Specialty Brands

Apple just announced a new horizon for health apps: a Health Records API. This move is a breakthrough for patient-centered health management, in general; and specifically for people on specialty regimens, this may be a game changer. What did Apple … Read More

Specialty Pharma Can Learn From Tinder – Part 2

In the previous segment of this article, we shared our excitement over Helparound’s recent patent for its novel matchmaking technology to connect patients through our mobile intelligence platform. Companies like Tinder and LinkedIn brought matchmaking to dating and job seeking … Read More

Online personal data will be a boon for patient support

“Behavioral targeting” is the marketer’s term for techniques to increase the effectiveness of online publishing and advertising with deep user data. Facebook has dominated the news recently because of behavioral targeting driven by its data management policies. Yet for many … Read More

Specialty Pharma Can Learn from Tinder – Part I

You’re at the doctor’s office, just after learning that you or your loved one has a disease you’ve never heard of. The doctor says it’s not a death sentence but in the same breath describes an overwhelming regimen of lab … Read More

Why I Joined this Team: Help in the Tough Moments

November 2016: I just left a routine ultrasound in week 15 of pregnancy, told that my son has a bilateral cleft lip. I’m devastated and my initial web search yields this fact: 85% of the time, it is a physical … Read More

In Specialty Pharma, a Sleeping Bear is Waking Up to Digital

Pop quiz: who picks up the phone when you call a Pharma’s Patient Support Program? Hint: it’s usually not the Pharma itself. Here at Helparound, we focus on the challenges a life-changing diagnosis brings upon individuals and their families, when … Read More

6 Patient Support Rules-of-Thumb for Pharma Marketers

Recent Deloitte Review on patient services paints a clear picture on patient services by Pharmas:  70% of surveyed life science executives indicated that their organizations were moderately/somewhat ready to implement effective patient engagement strategies, and more than half (55%) felt they needed to be “extremely … Read More

HelpAround in Israeli digital health UK mission

At the end of June 2015,  HelpAround had the pleasure of participating in the Israeli digital health mission to the UK, visiting London and Manchester in two packed days, including meetings with the NHS, AstraZeneca, and more. The mission was organized … Read More

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