
Documentation Version v2.1.1 - November 7, 2023

What ChangedDescriptionAffected Section(s)
PAP Enrollment CallbackAdded a new webhook callback for PAP Enrollments.UserAction โ€“ PAP Enrollment
Attribution LinksAdded a new page to explain attribution links and how they're utilized.Attribution Links

Documentation Version v2.1.0 - October 31, 2023

What ChangedDescriptionAffected Section(s)
Support Program ID correctedSupport Program ID was corrected to say 36 characters instead of 16.Support Program Setup

Documentation Version v2.0.9 - October 11, 2023

What ChangedDescriptionAffected Section(s)
Added clarity around additionalData arrayAdded an alert/heads up that sending a blank/null additionalData array may result in errors and that best practice is always to include a key-value pair in that array.Using the additionalData Field
Added Mobile Messaging GuideMobile Messaging Guide will help give you ideas around the SMS messaging to create when working with RxWare implementation.Mobile Messaging Guide

Documentation Version v2.0.8 - October 3, 2023

What ChangedDescriptionAffected Section(s)
event.patient.mediaIds.filyType was misppelled.
Corrected to be event.patient.mediaIds.fileTypeEnrollment Webhook

Documentation Version v2.0.7 - October 2, 2023

What ChangedDescriptionAffected Section(s) additional fields added to accomodate different types of consent"communication"
Enrollment Webhook
event.patient.consents.value was spelled incorrectlyWas misspelled as event.patient.sonsents.value
Corrected to be event.patient.consents.value
Enrollment Webhook
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