Re-Invite API

ENDPOINT: POST /v1/patients/reinvite

The Re-Invite API call will trigger the invite SMS to the patient again.

Partners can use this API to resend the program initiation message to a patient/caregiver when the onboarding/enrollment process is not completed.

By triggering a Re-Invite, RxWare will resend the same initiation message as in the initial invite call.

In the example below, you would replace the following data elements:

  1. {{test-user-external-user-id}} = Replace with the value you used on the initial Create Patient call to tie the request back to the correct patient
  2. {{test-user-phone-number}} = The value you provided on the initial Create Patient call
  3. {{partners-support-program-id}} = The value you provided on the initial Create Patient call
  "externalId": "{{test-user-external-user-id}}",
  "phoneNumber": "{{test-user-phone-number}}",
  "supportProgramId": "{{partners-support-program-id}}",
  "additionalData": []

Standard HTTP Response Codes

200N/APatient updated successfullyPatient updated successfully
4003016the external id not relevant to the provided phone numberPatient's External ID Does Not Match Their Phone Number
4003017the patient with provided external id not foundPatient's External ID is Invalid
4003014provided phone number not related to patientPhone Number Not Related to a Patient
4003018the patient already finished enrollmentPatient Has Already Finished Enrollment
Re-Invite API
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