How to Call the RxWare API โ†•๏ธ

Once you have your access and authentication provisioned by the RxWare technical team, many methods are available to call the RxWare API. Still, for this discussion, we will focus on two of the most common methods: Postman and Curl.


If you’re not uncomfortable with using a command line (Curl) to transmit API calls, this is where the Postman application comes in handy.

Best of all, it’s a free application with paid-premium options.

Available as both a desktop application and an online application, Postman provides an easy-to-use GUI where you can easily save all of your API calls in an organized fashion.

Click the link below to learn more:
Get Started with Postman


The curl command is a versatile command line tool commonly used on Linux and MacOS systems for transferring data to or from a server.

It supports many protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and many more.

The name “curl” stands for “Client URL,” which hints at its ability to work with URLs to fetch or send data across various services.

Postman API platform icon How to Setup Authentication in Postman

To properly authenticate with the RxWare API using Postman, you will need to populate the access bearer token and access key that was provided to you by the RxWare Technical team:

Step 1 – Authorization Tab:

Click the Authorization tab in your request and change the Type to be Bearer Token

Screenshot of Postman credentials setup example
Screenshot of Postman credentials setup example

Step 2 – Bearer Token:

Copy and paste the access bearer token provided to you by RxWare in the Token field

Step 3 – Populate the Headers Section:

Under the Headers tab, create a key for Authorization as well as x-api-key as shown below.

Once you’ve done that, copy and paste the access bearer token and access key provided to you by RxWare in their corresponding fields:

Screenshot of Postman credentials setup example
How to Call the RxWare API
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