Glossary of Terms πŸ“–

Support Program

Any program that you create in partnership with RxWare.

As an example, you may have a program for a drug named Abelformin.

You will provide RxWare with a 16-digit alphanumeric code for all API calls going forward for Abelformin.

A Support Program ID is unique to each program and a new ID is required for each new program that you create with RxWare.


An API callback is a mechanism that allows an API to return data to a specific function or piece of code once a particular event or task is completed.

In essence, it’s a way to execute asynchronous operations, where you don’t need to wait for a response immediately but can carry on with other tasks.


A RESTful API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a set of conventions for building and interacting with web services.

It uses standard HTTP methods, has stateless interactions, and allows for easy communication between client and server.


A webhook is essentially a mechanism that allows one system to send real-time data to another system as soon as an event occurs, without requiring the receiving system to constantly poll for updates. It’s a way to achieve server-to-server communication based on specific events, making it event-driven.

A webhook is like a doorbell for a computer program. Normally, when you want to get information from a website or a service, you have to go and “ask” for it (APIs) β€”kind of like knocking on someone’s door to see if they’re home.

But a webhook reverses that process. It lets the website or service “ring your doorbell” to tell you when something new has happened.

So instead of constantly checking for updates or new information, a webhook will alert you the moment something changes, making the process much more efficient.

HTTP Method

HTTP methods define the types of actions you can perform on an API through an HTTP request.

They are essentially the verbs of the HTTP protocol, indicating what kind of operation you want to execute.

Here are the two HTTP methods currently supported in the RxWare API:

GET: Retrieve data

POST: Create new data


An API endpoint is essentially a specific URL path where an API exposes a certain resource or functionality for interaction.

Each endpoint corresponds to a distinct function that can perform actions like retrieving data, updating data, or executing some operation.


The RxWare Invite endpoint: /v1/patients/invite


JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and it’s a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy to read and write.

It’s widely used for transmitting structured data over the web, often in the context of APIs, web services, and configuration files.

The RxWare API uses JSON for all of its calls as well as responses.

Access Bearer Token

An Access Bearer Token is a string of characters that serves as a credential, granting the holder access to a protected resource or service.

It’s often used in the context of APIs, particularly RESTful APIs, as a method for authenticating and authorizing users.

To utilize the RxWare API, you will be provided an Access Bearer Token to be used in conjunction with an API Key that goes into the headers of your API call under the Authorization key.


An API key is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or service during API calls.

It’s essentially a secret token that grants access to specific resources and operations within an API.

To utilize the RxWare API, you will be provided an API Key to be used in conjunction with an Access Bearer Token that goes into the headers of your API call under the x-api-key key.

Key Value Pair

A key-value pair is a fundamental concept in computer science and data management that is used to store, organize, and retrieve data.

In a key-value pair, the “key” serves as a unique identifier that points to a “value,” which can be data of various types like numbers, strings, or even more complex data structures like arrays or objects.

Essentially, the key acts as the “name” for a piece of data, and the “value” is the data itself.


NEXT: ➑️ Invite API

Glossary of Terms
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